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Vanco Pharmacy Departments

At Vanco Pharmacy, we treat customers like they are our family. For more than five decades, we have catered to locals in the Commack/Dix Hills community, delivering comprehensive healthcare solutions in one convenient location. Whether you need your prescription filled or have a question about our rental services, our team can provide the help you need.

wide range of pharmacy products shop

Our Wide Range of Products and Personal Services

Vanco Pharmacy is committed to accommodating all of your healthcare needs. Whether you have a special order or need help finding the supplement your doctor recommended, our team is up to the task. Best of all, you can get all the healthcare solutions you’ve been looking for under one roof.

Our Departments

Our pharmacy in Commack/Dix Hills is divided into the following departments for our customers’ convenience.

Prescription Services

Your prescriptions are filled by a knowledgeable and compassionate team of professionals who take the time to assess your medical history and explain each prescription in detail. From topical compounding and prescription flavoring services to pet prescriptions, we’re here to make the process easy. Transferring your prescriptions to Vanco Pharmacy is quick and easy. Just call in with your prescription information or come in with your prescription vial and well do the rest.

Medical Equipment

Vanco Pharmacy has the medical equipment you need to maintain your daily routine without any unnecessary stress. We offer bathroom safety features like shower/bath seats, grab bars, and raised toilet seats, as well as ambulatory aids, like walkers, canes, wheelchairs, and knee scooters.

Cosmetics & Hair Care

We carry all the beauty brands you love, like CoverGirl, Revlon, L’Oréal Paris, Matrix Biolage, Paul Mitchell, and more. Whether you’re looking for the latest and greatest mascara or need to pick up the hair treatment you’ve been using for years, we have you covered.


You can browse our selection of “As Seen on TV” items, puzzles, games, stuffed animals, and more. Stop by today and see what we have in store.

Vitamins & Supplements

When you are looking for a vitamin or supplement, you will receive high-quality care and professionalism at every turn. We carry Solgar, Natures Truth, Windmill, and all National Brands. We also have a large selection of oral and topical CBD products for you and your pets.


Are there certain items you’d rather rent than purchase? We offer a variety of medical equipment rentals for your convenience. From breast pumps to wheelchairs, knee scooters, and transport chairs, our rental options offer the solutions you need for a fraction of the cost.

Surgical Supplies

When you need surgical supplies, Vanco Pharmacy is your one-stop-shop. We offer casts, braces, supports, foot care supplies, and more at our Commack/Dix Hills pharmacy to keep you comfortable.

Visit Us Today

Our team is dedicated to delivering care that maximizes your overall health and well-being. Visit us today to learn more about our stellar healthcare offerings.

Contact Us for All Your
Family’s Healthcare Needs